mathematics and art造句
- Mathematics and art are related in a variety of ways.
- He also took graduate-level classes in advanced mathematics and art history.
- Achievements were also earned in domestic competitions for scientific inventions, mathematics and art.
- Mathematics and art have a long historical relationship.
- Des Barres read mathematics and art at the University of Basel, studying under John and Daniel Bernoulli.
- The school performs particularly highly in Mathematics and Art, and is also good in Sports, Technology and Sciences.
- Charles Hodgson who taught mathematics and art, and his son David who taught art, were also supporters of Crome.
- Barlow said, noting the success Colorado City students have had in spelling bees and mathematics and arts competitions over the years.
- "' Proportion "'is a central principle of architectural theory and an important connection between mathematics and art.
- A liberal arts inquiry project examines connections between mathematics and art through the M鯾ius strip, flexagons, origami and panorama photography.
- It's difficult to see mathematics and art in a sentence. 用mathematics and art造句挺难的
- By juxtaposing Einstein and Picasso, he focuses on the two men who will most change the century with their creative thinking in mathematics and art.
- Subjects offered by the school for the Leaving Certificate include but are not limited to : Maths, Latin, History, Applied Mathematics and Art.
- _Springer-Verlag, the giant German media company, has announced the formation of Copernicus, a new imprint dedicated to topics in the sciences, mathematics and art.
- Alongside from his contributions to mathematics, Magnus Wenninger is described in the context of the relationship of mathematics and art as making " especially beautiful " models of complex stellated polyhedra.
- "' The Bridges Organization "'is an organization that founded in Kansas, United States, in 1998 with the goal of promoting interdisciplinary work in mathematics and art.
- "' John Zerzan "'(,; born August 10, 1943 ) is an American symbolic thought ( such as mathematics and art ) and the concept of time.
- It is expected that most of them will prove to be Buddhist scriptures although they may well also include works of literature, and on history, philosophy, astronomy, mathematics and art.
- English, French, Mathematics and Art are further divided into Reading, Writing and Oral, Visual Communication for English, Oral Communication, Reading and Writing for Second Language, Number Sense and Numeration, Measurement, Geometry and Spatial Sense, Patterning, Algebra, Data Management and Probability for Mathematics, and Music, Visual Arts and Drama, and Dance for The Arts.
- The areas of interest currently followed at CRIS are business ethics; finance, financial crime and governance; application of game theory to business; history of programming languages; ethics of virtual environments; history of cryptography; links between mathematics and art; cellular automata theory and applications; pattern theory and design; quality assurance and enhancement in transnational and international education; and aligning research to learning.
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